Tuesday 28 September 2010


Brighton Pride: Do people want another year arguing and fighting while businesses and the voluntary sector are pitched against each other?
gscene.com 28 Sep 10

Stonewall chief executive won't be 'jumped into' gay marriage position
pinknews.co.uk 28 Sep 10

Adult video-sharing list leaked from law firm
bbc.co.uk 28 Sep 10

British Army advised US on repeal of 'don't ask, don't tel

Two retired hoteliers from Plymouth .. One of Britain's most enduring gay couples celebrate 50th anniversary
independent.co.uk 28 Sep 10

Northern Ireland: Equality for gays will take two years


Porn entrepreneur Michael Lucas confronts Anne Coulter at GOProud for gay conservatives
advocate.com 28 Sep 10


Russian President fires Moscow's mayor 'renowned for his hostility towards gay pride marches'
thisislondon.co.uk 28 Sep 10

Beijing: Dozens of gay men detained at an outdoor pick-up spot
google.com 28 Sep 10

Islamic hard-liners protest Indonesia's gay and lesbian film festival


Kurt's Gleefully gay boyfriend revealed, for real this time
autostraddle.com 28 Sep 10