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2012: A great year for LGBT eqality? In the West we are making progress for equal marriage, but what about the rest of the world? gaytoz Reviews of 2012 | |
Friends we will miss LGBT heroes who died in 2012: heros of our cause, and youngsters who were bullied gaytoz Friends We Will Miss 29 Dec 12 | |
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"It's the discrepancy that pisses me off." Lee Pearson says he was "disappointed" not to get a knighthood after winning his 10th gold medal at the Paralympics independent.co.uk | |
Gay bullying in Welsh schools extent unknown, Plaid Cymru claims
bbc.co.uk 30 Dec 12
I'm gay and in love with my heteroflexible best friend - Dear Mariella
guardian.co.uk 30 Dec 12
This measure will reach the UK statute book ... but between here and there stretches a painful political road
spectator.co.uk 30 Dec 12
Obama urging Illinois state lawmakers to legalize gay marriage
suntimes.com 30 Dec 12
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Mark Hundahl the straight co-owner of the Los Angeles-based LGBT publication Frontiers, has died of cancer at 61 frontiersla.com 30 Dec 12 | |
Janeé Harteau Minneapolis appoints as its first lesbian Police Chief shewired.com 30 Dec 12 | |
GAY SPORTS No active player in the NFL, NBA, major leagues or NHL has ever come out as gay. Some say it would be career ending. Others say it will happen someday latimes.com 30 Dec 12 |
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